tangelo.linq.helpers.circuits package
tangelo.linq.helpers.circuits.clifford_circuits module
- tangelo.linq.helpers.circuits.clifford_circuits.decompose_gate_to_cliffords(gate, abs_tol=0.0001)
Decomposes a single qubit parameterized gate into Clifford gates.
- Parameters:
gate (Gate) – The gate to be decomposed.
abs_tol (float) – Optional, absolute tolerance for value comparison (default: 1e-4).
- Returns:
list – A list of Clifford gates representing the decomposition.
- Raises:
ValueError – If parameterized gate cannot be decomposed into Clifford gates.
tangelo.linq.helpers.circuits.measurement_basis module
Helper function: pauli word rotations.
- tangelo.linq.helpers.circuits.measurement_basis.get_compatible_bases(op, basis_list)
Return a list of measurement bases compatible with the given operator.
- Parameters:
op (str) – Pauli string representing the operator to be measured
basis_list (list) – List of Pauli strings for the measurement bases to be checked
- Returns:
list – List of measurement bases compatible with the operator
- tangelo.linq.helpers.circuits.measurement_basis.measurement_basis_gates(term)
Generate the rotation gates to perform change of basis before measurement.
- Parameters:
term – Openfermion-style term. Essentially a list of (int, str) tuples.
- Returns:
list of Gate – A list containing the rotation gates.
- tangelo.linq.helpers.circuits.measurement_basis.pauli_of_to_string(pauli_op, n_qubits)
Converts an Openfermion-style Pauli word to a string representation. The user must specify the total number of qubits.
- tangelo.linq.helpers.circuits.measurement_basis.pauli_string_to_of(pauli_string)
Converts a string of I,X,Y,Z Pauli operators to an Openfermion-style representation.
tangelo.linq.helpers.circuits.statevector module
This module defines a class that can be used to generate the circuit that returns or uncomputes a given statevector (takes the given statevector to the zero state).
- class tangelo.linq.helpers.circuits.statevector.StateVector(coefficients, order='msq_first')
This class provides functions to either compute a statevector (of 2**n_qubits) from the zero state or take that state to the zero state
- Parameters:
coefficients – The list or array of coefficients defining a state. Must have length 2**n_qubits where n_qubits is an integer.
- initializing_circuit(return_phase=False, set_n_qubits=False)
Calculate a circuit that implements the initialization of a given statevector from the zero state Implements a recursive initialization algorithm, including optimizations, from “Synthesis of Quantum Logic Circuits” Shende, Bullock, Markov https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0406176v5 Additionally implements some extra optimizations: remove zero rotations and double cnots.
- Parameters:
return_phase (bool) – Return the global phase that is not captured by the circuit Default False
set_n_qubits (bool) – Set n_qubits in Circuit to qubits needed for the length of the coefficients array.
- Returns:
Circuit – The circuit that generates the statevector defined in coeffs
float – Optional, If return_phase=True, the global phase angle not captured by the Circuit
- uncomputing_circuit(return_phase=False, set_n_qubits=False)
Generate a circuit that takes the desired state to the zero state.
- Parameters:
return_phase (bool) – Flag to return global_phase
set_n_qubits (bool) – Set n_qubits in Circuit to qubits needed for the length of the coefficients array.
- Returns:
Circuit – circuit to take self.coeffs vector to |{00\ldots0}\rangle
float – (if return_phase=True) The angle that defines the global phase not captured by the circuit