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Installation and integration


There are two ways to utilize the Sandwich C API: using prebuilt packages, or by building from source.

Using pre-built packages

Pre-built packages can be found on the Sandwich releases Github section. It is precompiled for Linux and MacOS, targetting both amd64 and aarch64 (arm64).

Building from source

The Sandwich build system is based on Bazel. See Installing Bazel for more bazel setup information.

To build Sandwich, you must first install the necessary build-time dependencies. Platform specific dependency installation instructions are documented below, depending on whether you are building on Linux or MacOS

Installing Bazel

We recommend using Bazelisk to install Bazel. You can use the Bazelisk pre-built releases, and add the bazelisk binary in your PATH.

Linux-specific build dependencies

To install dependencies in Debian-like systems:

# apt install clang-13 lld-13 python3 python3-dev cmake ninja-build git

These environment variables need to be set:

  • export CC=clang-13
  • export CXX=clang++-13
  • export LD=lld-13
MacOS-specific build dependencies

MacOS builds require installing XCode.

Build sandwich

Use Bazel to build a release version of Sandwich:

bazelisk build //:export -c opt

This will generate an archive in bazel-bin/sandwich_bin.tar.gz that contains the sandwich C API headers alongside a static and shared library version of Sandwich:

$ tar tf /path/to/sandwich/bazel-bin/sandwich_bin.tar.gz


The Sandwich Go bindings can be added in a project using go get:

$ go get

The Go bindings rely on the Sandwich C API. In order to build a Go project that is using Sandwich, some cgo environment variables need to be set to tell the Go compiler where to find the Sandwich C headers and compiled static library.

A compiled version of the Sandwich C API can be either directly downloded from the Sandwich releases Github section, or built from source.

Assuming the Sandwich C API release has been extracted into $SANDWICH_ROOT, these environment variables need to be set at build time:

$ export CGO_CFLAGS="-I$SANDWICH_ROOT/include"

Python API

The Python API can be installed with pip with:

$ pip install pysandwich

It can also be installed from source:

$ cd /path/to/sandwich
$ pip install .

At runtime, the Sandwich Python bindings will be looking for, which can be either directly downloaded from the Sandwich releases Github section, or built from source.

The SANDWICH_C_LIB environment variable can point to the path where has been installed. The bindings will also look for the library in standard operating system's paths.

Rust API

Using cargo

sandwich = { git = "" }

cargo add can also be used to append Sandwich into the dependencies section of an existing Cargo.toml file:

$ cargo add --git '' sandwich

From source

The Rust API can be built and tested from source with cargo:

$ cargo build
$ cargo test

Rust documentation

Use cargo doc to build the Rust documentation:

$ cargo doc


Sandwich has the following features:

feature description enabled by default
openssl1_1_1 Enable support for OpenSSL 1.1.1 built with liboqs true
boringssl Enable support for BoringSSL built with liboqs true
ffi Enable the FFI interface false

Unit tests

Sandwich unit tests can be run directly using Bazel:

$ cd /path/to/sandwich && bazelisk test ...

Integration with Bazel

To use Sandwich in a Bazel project, add the following to your WORKSPACE file:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "sandwich",
    sha256 = "86bd6328e5cbdca7851e9772e4c1dda1a435e15686497dfc8fecadd4a4639920",
    strip_prefix = "sandwich-0.2.0",
    urls = [

load("@sandwich//bazel:repositories.bzl", "sandwich_repositories")


load("@sandwich//bazel:deps.bzl", "sandwich_deps")


load("@sandwich//bazel:python_deps.bzl", "sandwich_python_deps")


load("@sandwich//bazel:python_pypi_deps.bzl", "sandwich_python_pypi_deps")


load("@sandwich//bazel:rust_deps.bzl", "sandwich_rust_deps")


load("@com_sandboxquantum_bartleby//bartleby:deps.bzl", "bartleby_deps")
